Wednesday, November 5, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 5, Week 1

Hello people. :) I wrote a lot today, which is amazing. :D Also, I got really cool books from the library.
Total word count: 11, 421
Today's word count: 2901
Favorite line(s) written: My dreams are little more than nightmares. I’m plagued by the sight of Miss Lawson’s body and the killer diving through the window, and a car hitting a small girl’s body.
Over and over and over again.
I wake up trembling and make myself go back to sleep, and I’m torturing myself.
I toss and turn through the night, never really getting any sleep, and when one of the teachers comes in at seven o’clock, I’m already dressed.
She watches me for a moment and then crosses the room, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” she murmurs, squeezing me.
What do I say to that? Thank you?
I nod instead, and she stands. When she walks out, Jules get up and gets dressed. I wait while she does her hair in the mirror, wordless.
“Bethany...” she begins, but I stop her.
“I’m fine,” I say, stepping towards the door. I look back at her, and she’s watching me, sadness and concern swirling across her face. “I’m fine,” I say again, and my voice cracks, but I make myself step out into the hall.

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