- I
- don't
- know
- what
- I'm
- doing!
Do you know how many times I've attempted to write this page?
Let me paint you a picture: I created this particular page sometime in January of 2015. As I'm writing this, it's the middle of February 2016.
I don't exactly know what I've got this blog for. Isn't that awful of me? When I first made this blog my thought process was something like "Oh, yeah, blogs! Those are cool! I want one!" 13-year-old-me put no extra thinking into this.
Maybe it's my attempt at journaling, which I'm admittedly terrible at. Maybe I just really like talking to no one in particular. Who knows?
At any rate, here's a list of things that are bound to pop up on this blog:
- Writing. So much writing. I'm going to talk a lot about my stories.
- Teateateateateateateatea
- History
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