Tuesday, November 18, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 18, Week 3

Oooooohmygosh. How's it already the 18th? Like, it was just November 1st. I swear. o_O
Anywho. On to NaNo related things.
Some fun stuff that happened today: 
  • I figured out my villain's actual motivation (ya know. After what, six months of this story idea? :P)
  • I wrote sass, fluff, pain, and friendship and it was wonderful.
And because I can't decide, you get two snippets today. Wootwoot! :D 
Total word count: 31,413
Today's word count: 1,266 (not my best. :P But I'm going to do a lot tomorrow, so I feel significantly better about this. xD) 
Favorite line(s):  “He’s...” I trail off, my nose crinkling. Oliver James is one of those people who, even if he were to be discussing saving war orphans, could give me a strong urge to slap him, multiple times. “No, Jules. He is. And I don’t know how all of this fits together.”
A sort of smile plays across his face and he settles back in his seat. “Well, I thought so.”
I roll my eyes, and Jules coughs, so I look over at her. One eyebrow is quirked.
“If the two of you are done flirting,” she says, and I scowl.
“Jules. Shut up.”

NO JULES. Don't shut up.
Okay. I'm going to bed now. *slightly manic grin* 

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