Friday, November 28, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 28, Week 4

G U Y S.

okay so I beat it last night, but whatever.
Butttttt, I'm still writing, because I've got at least 15 thousand words more of story and plot to write. Which is kind of crap. D:  But hey, I did it! I wrote 50,000 words in a month! :D
This will probably be my last log until I do a post-Nano update on Monday. :P But, it's gonna be funnnnnnnnn when I do post again. Because Tangled gifs.
Total word count: 51,441
Today's word count: 1,434
Favorite line(s) written: Elliot shifts, and I watch him. “I don’t...” he trails off, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking immensely confused. “I’m not sure how to say this.”
Chapman leans forward. “Do your best, then.” He coughs. “I don’t know how to say the majority of what comes out of my mouth.”
“Obviously,” Jules mutters under her breath, and Chapman rolls his eyes, shoving her shoulder.
There’s a few moments of charged silence, where Jules and Chapman act like the children that they are and I stare at Elliot and Elliot stares at the ground.
“He doesn’t think it’s Oliver James,” I say, and when he looks up, I meet his gaze, and he shifts. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 26, Week 4 (plus a tiny apology)

....I'm really sorry.
Super, super sorry.
I didn't mean to disappear, I promisseeeee.
I didn't ask for this or plan it in advancceeeeeeeee
I was merely blown here by the winds of procrastination and sleep deprivationnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Anyways. //end wicked reference.
But hey, I'm two thousand words away from WINNING NANO!
Me doing NaNo.
Also I'm super tired so this'll mostly be gifs. :3
But yeaaaaah, I'm happy. But I'm also worried, because this story is not going to wrap itself in 2k. More like, 15k at the least. D:
Anyways. Onto today's thingy! :D
Total word count: 48,105
Today's word count: 2,177
Favorite line(s) written: My gaze switches between the photo and the three of them, and I study it from all angles, trying to find how it would have worked.
And it doesn’t. There’s no way he could have taken this photo, not that I can see.
I angle it up, eyeing the crisp photo, and then I look down at them. They’re in nearly the same position.
I glance between the photo and the scene below.
“No,” I breathe, looking back down at Jules. “No freaking way.”

Saturday, November 22, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 22, Week 4

Ohmygosh. It's the last week of NaNo. How/when did this happen?? It was just November first?? o_O
Anyways. *le cough* I thought I should let you knowwwww...I've got a special post-y thing planned for December 1st. And it's going to be awesome. Also, it involves multiple Tangled gifs and explains NaNoWriMo! :D
BUT. I have mucho more writing to do today, so. I'm going to do my log and then fly off to write some more. :D
Total word count: 41,445
Today's word count: 1952 (but as I said, I'm going to do a lotttttt more.)
Favorite line(s) written: He takes a long breath, looking up at me. “Don’t start this, Bethany.” His voice shudders. “I know you mean well, but I’ve tried it all. I’ve looked into every possibility, every loophole.”
He pauses, and when he speaks again, his eyes are trained on me—cold, broken, angry. “The world gave up on my sister a long time ago,” he says, clenching his jaw. “No one even pretends to still look into her case. And then there’s me, living every day as if I’m not going mad, knowing that somewhere Penny’s killer is walking free.”
He stands. “Don’t,” he says, his voice cracking. “I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you have, Bethany. And if I couldn’t find an answer...”
He eyes me, shakes his head, and then walks out of the room, coat slung over his shoulder and hat on his head, and the photo clenched in his hand.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 20, Week 3

I dreamed a dream in time gone byyyyy
Actually what I look like right now.
when hope was high
and so was my word countttttt
Okay, um, I kind of had to do that. Also: 
I think I'll try defying sanity!
And you can't make me sleeeeep!
I'm done this time, I promise. xD This is what happens when I have little to no sleep every night and my brain is forced to be creative multiple times a day. I GET A LITTLE CRAZY. 

But really though. I'm going to go into hibernation or something in December to catch up on all my sleep. *yawns* Anywho. A few things about NaNo this next weekend:
  • I would really, really like to hit 45k before Monday. Because reasonssss. 
  • I'm taking Thanksgiving off, so I need to get ahead. D:
Welp. Now that that's done with. 
Total word count: 35,699
Today's word count: 1617 (although I'd liked to squeeze a few hundred more in before I go to bed.)
Favorite line(s) written: I look up. “Aren’t you cold?” I ask, eyeing Chapman—and his rolled-up sleeves. He quirks an eyebrow.
“Says you,” he laughs, and a small sort of smile plays across his face. I rub my hands up and down my arms, shivering slightly.
“I think much better when it’s cold,” I say, my voice almost as shaky as the rest of me. “It feeds my creative genius.”
“Genius? You?” Chapman makes a psshing noise, rocking back on his heels. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Let it be known that I take no issue in hitting people,” I laugh, my voice shivering with me. “I’d watch your back.” 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 18, Week 3

Oooooohmygosh. How's it already the 18th? Like, it was just November 1st. I swear. o_O
Anywho. On to NaNo related things.
Some fun stuff that happened today: 
  • I figured out my villain's actual motivation (ya know. After what, six months of this story idea? :P)
  • I wrote sass, fluff, pain, and friendship and it was wonderful.
And because I can't decide, you get two snippets today. Wootwoot! :D 
Total word count: 31,413
Today's word count: 1,266 (not my best. :P But I'm going to do a lot tomorrow, so I feel significantly better about this. xD) 
Favorite line(s):  “He’s...” I trail off, my nose crinkling. Oliver James is one of those people who, even if he were to be discussing saving war orphans, could give me a strong urge to slap him, multiple times. “No, Jules. He is. And I don’t know how all of this fits together.”
A sort of smile plays across his face and he settles back in his seat. “Well, I thought so.”
I roll my eyes, and Jules coughs, so I look over at her. One eyebrow is quirked.
“If the two of you are done flirting,” she says, and I scowl.
“Jules. Shut up.”

NO JULES. Don't shut up.
Okay. I'm going to bed now. *slightly manic grin* 

Monday, November 17, 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014 Log: Day 17, Week 3

So I kind of forgot to do a post yesterday. D: I didn't get much done, really, though, so...yeah.
I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
But here, have one for today plus maybe my favorite Elliot and Bethany thing I've written in the history of ever.
 Total word count: 30,147
Today's word count: 2,337
Favorite line(s) written: I turn to face him, the hem of my skirt swishing as I do. “Harris has a sister. And somehow, she’s connected to Hayley, Miss Lawson, and Russell.”
His eyebrows raise and he steps towards me, lowering his voice. “Penny, right?”
It’s my turn to be surprised. “How do you know that?” My voice is laced with curiosity and shock, and he smiles, a confident, teasing thing.
“When one is the grandson of Mason Elijah Moore,” he begins, his voice taking on a confident lilt, “one happens to gather useful information about a variety of people.”

Saturday, November 15, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 15, week 2

1920s fashion. This makes me think Jules and Bethany. :DGosh, it's been a while since I've done a NaNo log. :3 But I'm back, and as far as I know there are no more vacations in November! So...back to regular posting. :P
I got about 7k written this past week, and as of today I'm a couple thousand words ahead. Which is beautiful. :D
Total word count: 27,897
Today's word count: 1,812 (but I am planning on getting more in before I go to bed tonight. *cracks knuckles*)
Favorite line(s) written: “Bethany,” he starts, his voice strained. “Please tell me you understand what this means.”
Why do people keep asking me that? Do they assume that I don’t understand what it means?
That there is a psychopathic killer stalking my every move?
That I’m in danger with every breath I take?
How is that hard to understand?
“I understand perfectly well,” I say, my voice taking on a hard edge.
He sighs. “Don’t get defensive,” he mutters, rubbing his temples. “I want you to understand,” he begins, looking up at me, “What is going to happen after this.”
He pauses, as if giving me time to take this in.
“There is a serial murderer watching your every move,” he says carefully. “Which means that where you go, he goes, or at least one of his tools. You’re in danger every waking moment of your life until we apprehend him.”
“Yes,” I say, looking up him. “This isn’t new information.”

Sunday, November 9, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 9, Week 2

I found.
The best.
To describe.

Like. Wow. Wowwwwwwwwwwww. Such accuracy. 

While I'm thinking about it: Tomorrow, I won't be posting a log, because it's my birthday! :P And I might just do a massive post Saturday evening, because this week I'm probably not going to have much time. So. 
On to today's log, I suppose. :P 
Total word count: 19,821
Today's word count: 2354
Favorite line(s) written:  I swallow hard and force myself to take in the room without thinking of letters or Judah Anderson.
I shiver, wrapping my coat tighter around me. Why is it so cold in here?
For one ridiculous moment, I let myself remember the ghost stories Thomas tried to terrify me with when we were younger. Elliot had always made him leave me alone, and we made up our own stories. Usually ones where a nasty, simpering something named Thomas was defeated by heroes Elliot and Bethany.
But those stories had scared me nonetheless. And I got to a point years ago where I only rolled my 
eyes when he told them late at night, but I think right now, that part of me has ran away.

And for one moment, I let myself wonder if Miss Lawson is haunting this room.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 8, Week 2

Ahahaha. Remember when I actually wrote things for these instead of rambling and then doing my log? Haha, yeah. 
actually me right now
Those were fun days.
You know. Back when I wasn't half asleep trying to write. .-.

Total word count: 17,786 
Today's word count: 2095 (but I'm going to try and make myself break 18k tonight, so it might end up as a few more.)
Favorite line(s) written: Tell them,” he says, his voice low. “We both know the truth.”
And I know, now, that this has to be him. It doesn’t make sense but it has to because until now I hadn’t remembered the scar, but it’s the only thing we really had to distinguish him. And Stanton’s face was scarred in a different way, marked by grief.
I want to launch myself at him, hurt him. For killing Hayley and for killing Miss Lawson, and for showing no regret.
He watches me, and I watch him. My head spins. 

I'm so tired I just.

Friday, November 7, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 7, Week 1

 So, it's been a week since I started this, and that's kind of crazy. But also cool. Because I've written almost 17000 words in a week. :D
Also, in addition to being me right now, that gif is on my storyboard! :D
Total word count: 16,429
Today's word count: 3370
Favorite line(s) written: I can’t help it, I raise my voice. “What’s gotten into me? I don’t know, let’s think about the past month. Our butler, murdered! My teacher, murdered, and I chased down her killer! What’s gotten into me is I want to help with this but I don’t know how! And don’t tell me I’m too young or I don’t know enough about this, because I’ve watched you do this for as long as I can remember and if anyone should be involved in this, it’s me!”
I’m gasping for breath by the end of it, by I don’t regret it. All the emotions and words I’ve bottled up for the past month had to come out sometime, I suppose.
Everyone watches me, and I don’t like it, but I suppose I asked for it. A moment later, Chapman whistles.
“That was something,” he says. “Mind if I quote that?”

Thursday, November 6, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 6, Week 1

Noah Chapman
Today has maybe been one of my favorite writing days so far. I introduced one my favorite characters, Noah Chapman. This guy. He's so full of snark and I love his dialogue.
He's a reporter for a struggling newspaper who agrees to help Bethany by looking into a possible suspect (even though she hasn't exactly told Harris about this yet).
I really like this guy, in case you couldn't tell. Most of their dialogue today was them trying to out-sass each other, and I'm looking forward to throwing some of my other characters in with them as well. >:D

Total word count: 13,205
Today's word count: 2067
Favorite line(s) written: When the door clicks shut, he laughs.
“You’ve got them going pretty good, kid.”
Oh, God, he did catch the stutter. The thought crosses my mind that maybe he’s involved in all of this and he knows about the letter, but I bat it away. He doesn’t seem like that.
But Hayley didn’t seem like a killer, either. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 5, Week 1

Hello people. :) I wrote a lot today, which is amazing. :D Also, I got really cool books from the library.
Total word count: 11, 421
Today's word count: 2901
Favorite line(s) written: My dreams are little more than nightmares. I’m plagued by the sight of Miss Lawson’s body and the killer diving through the window, and a car hitting a small girl’s body.
Over and over and over again.
I wake up trembling and make myself go back to sleep, and I’m torturing myself.
I toss and turn through the night, never really getting any sleep, and when one of the teachers comes in at seven o’clock, I’m already dressed.
She watches me for a moment and then crosses the room, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” she murmurs, squeezing me.
What do I say to that? Thank you?
I nod instead, and she stands. When she walks out, Jules get up and gets dressed. I wait while she does her hair in the mirror, wordless.
“Bethany...” she begins, but I stop her.
“I’m fine,” I say, stepping towards the door. I look back at her, and she’s watching me, sadness and concern swirling across her face. “I’m fine,” I say again, and my voice cracks, but I make myself step out into the hall.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day Four, Week 1

Today went a lot better than yesterday, which is awesome. I really liked the scenes I wrote today, and I actually got to rewrite the scene that came from a sentence that inspired the entire novel's idea, which was fun.
Total word count: 8515
Today's word count: 2555
Favorite line(s) written: “Are you asking me for help?” he asks.
“Um, sort of?” I look behind me, mostly to see if Bea is there. “I...I think Bea’s hiding something. And I think it might be important.”
“So you need my help with an unofficial interrogation?” A slight smile plays across his face.
I stifle a laugh. “That sounds questionable,” I say, and behind him, Mason gestures for him to follow him out the door. I wave as Elliot walks away.
“I’ll be back for the questionable interrogation tomorrow morning,” he whispers as he walks past me.

Also, this is what happens when NaNo people videochat at night: 
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mariesa.
And me!
So....yeah. That's it, I suppose. I'm super tired so yeah bye I guess.

Monday, November 3, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 3, Week 1

I'm going to be completely honest.
Day 3 hurt.
I've got a cold (thanks to my brother) and it's allergy season, so combined my nose is pretty much useless. And I've had a serious case of I-don't-know-what-to-write today.
But obviously I can't not write. A couple hours ago Mariesa, Sam and I videochatted and attempted to word war while singing Wicked.
Surprisingly, I got a lot done (although that's probably thanks to Write Or Die).

Total word count: 6141
Total word count: 2008
Favorite line(s) written so far: Harris ended up staying for dinner. So did Oliver James.
And apparently, murder doesn’t make for good dinner conversation. 

I'm out. To sleep, or maybe post in a character lounge because feels. See you all tomorrow, I guess. *sleepy wave*

Sunday, November 2, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 2, Week 1

Day two has left me exhausted, depleted, but kind of happy. Because I've written a little under 4k words in two days. Two days! Ah!

Actually me right now. 
Anyways. It's been a craaaaaaazy day, starting with Daylight Savings giving me MORE SLEEP (wOOT!) and ending with a Pastor Appreciation Day service at church. (Love ya, Rountrees. *fistpump*)  Which involved cake. Cake is always good. 

Total word count: 3923
Today's word count: 1403 (although I might write a bit more before going to bed.) 
Favorite line(s) written today: “But why would he leave it behind?” Elliot asks. I shrug, helpless. Why is a good question. Was he just particularly incompetent? Is it even the killer’s?
What if whoever it was wanted to be caught? 

Aaaaaaaaand, that is all. I'm off to (hopefully) get a few more words in on Empty Alibi, read Brave New World (which is amazing), and drink tea. It's a good life.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 1, Week 1

Today is day one of NaNoWriMo. And, oddly enough, I'm still fairly sane. :P

Word Count: 1807
Pages written: 11
Favorite line(s) written so far: “Hayley is...” my mom prompts, trying her best to sound soothing, but I know she’s mildly concerned. And internally freaking out. 
“He’s...he’s dead. In his office, I went in to ask him something and he’s just lying there, all bloody and pale and oh my God, I can’t do this—” 

Also, reward chocolate: 
Milk chocolate caramel Doves. I'm in love.

That's it for today! How are you all doing with your word counts?