Sunday, March 30, 2014

Why You Need To Be Reading Jennifer E. Smith

I'm back from the dead with good news, guys.
Jennifer E. Smith has a new book coming out soon.
This is big news.
About a year ago, I came across a book on Goodreads called "The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight". Long story short, it's a story about a girl named Hadley who meets a boy named Oliver in an airport and they fall in love on a flight from New York to London.
It's one of my favorite books and I highly recommend it.
I read all of her other books (The Comeback Season, You Are Here, This is what Happy Looks Like) last summer and into the fall, and I have been patiently waiting for another.
The next one is called The Geography of You and Me (link to the Goodreads listing), and I am so excited for it I'm starting to bounce off the walls.
So why am I so excited about her new book?

  • She takes stories that would normally be cliched (Really? They fall in love in one day? Pssshhh. I'm not buying it...) and makes them so unexpected and beautiful that you're left smiling and wanting more. Some of her books are very bittersweet, and some are...well, some are fluff. But it's good fluff. The best fluff to ever fluff.
  • Her characters are amazing. Ryan in The Comeback Season is a great example of this. From page one you feel like you actually know Ryan, and Nick, and all the other characters. They're so incredibly real. 
  • They're short, sweet, and to the point. Have you ever been reading a book (YA or not) where the author just drags on and on and on about this and that and you find yourself wanting to skip pages until something happens other than description? I have. Very, very rarely is there anything like that in her books, and when it is don't really mind.
  • They're all filled with gorgeous writing, like the quote above. Small tidbits about the world and life, read through the eyes of 16-17 year olds, surrounded by comedy and romance and happiness.

So, have I convinced you? If I have, what are you waiting for? Go find a Barnes and Noble or your library or a Books a Million and buy them all! 

or not
I mean, you don't have to.
But I think it would be a lovely decision for everyone involved.


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