Friday, November 8, 2013

It's the Circle of Inspiration (aka never ending plot holes...)

    Disclaimer: This post is full of fandom gifs. Proceed with caution.

So. Inspiration, aka that feeling where you go from this:
 To this:
I don't know about you guys, but I generally leap up from wherever I am and find my laptop and starting writing. And I'm very excited, so I start picturing what this beautiful thing I'm creating is gonna be like when it's famous and I'm super rich and everyone knows my name. And I have a couple of movies out depicting my life story.

I've been working on this for a little while when I reach a plot whole and I don't know what to do. At all. So I sit at my computer and look like this: 
And this:
Also this:
But then I have this really good idea for a scene that's like 10 chapters later, so I leave the plot hole for now and start writing the Scene. 
My face

I look at the clock and crap it's 3 am already so I close down my laptop and go to sleep looking like this:

Flash forward and it's the next morning. I get up, get dressed (possibly), eat breakfast, and pull out the laptop to work on the next Great American Novel and I'm stoked for this, 'cause it's a great idea. Really.

I stare at the screen for a few minutes, hoping that inspiration will come. It doesn't. I look like this:

And as much as I may want it to, I just can't write anything. I don't even understand what I wrote! So I close out the document and leave it to collect virtual dust in the farthest corners of my computer. And then a while later I'm looking for something on my computer and see that story, and I open it up because it was actually a pretty cool idea (either that or I completely forgot about it and just wanna know what this weird document is).  And this is my face:

And then the cycle begins all over again...

I actually haven't done that with what I'm working on right now (yet o.O)...but other attempts at writing? I have 1000+ Word documents on my old computer to prove it to you. So, what about you guys? Tell me in the comments!

Later nerds. :)

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