I'm back.
I hope?
I know that since...well, basically since sometime early this spring, I've been trying
Still, as much as I do love it, I don't seem to be all that good at it. I'm not so good with posting weekly, or even bi-weekly, although I seem to do alright at once a month. But.
I'm really, really hoping to change that. And with any luck, this time around won't crash and burn so spectacularly as my other attempts. Why?
In seven days, you few people who read this blog, November begins. And with November comes the season of notebooks and sticky notes and desperate 1 A.M. writing; tea, coffee, or your preferred source of caffeine far too late at night; the time for attempting what seems to be an impossible, and insane, challenge. NaNoWriMo* is almost upon us.
And my gosh, am I excited.
So, okay. If you've poked around on this blog for any length of time, you'll have stumbled across a series of posts I made last November, creatively titled 'NaNoWriMo 2014 Log'. Basically, I took about fifteen minutes out of each day to write a quick post where I wrote down my word count for the day, my total word count, and my favorite few lines that I'd written that day. Usually, these posts included a lot of gifs, because I was pretty exhausted by the time I got around to remembering to post, and they didn't make much sense. The excerpts I shared now make me cringe a little, because ew first draft why, but I'm so glad I did it! Number one, sharing those little bits of my writing was fun. I love getting to show the parts of my stories that I really love - I love sharing my words, usually, unless it's something obscenely atrocious or close to my heart (basicallyallofEmptyAlibidraft2? Which oddly enough, more people have read than the first draft.)
Number two, I actually blogged! Consistently! Daily, or at least every other day! For an entire month!
It's still my proudest achievement on this blog.
I'm going to be doing the same thing again this year, because, surprise to no one who knows me, I'm participating in NaNoWriMo again this year.
This year, I'm writing the first draft of Letters To The Dead, which you can see a bit of on the My Writing tab up top. Letters To The Dead is the first of four books in a historical paranormal series, taking place in New York from 1946 to 1950.
I'm so excited for this story, guys. So, so excited.
So in seven days, I will be making my first NaNoWriMo 2015 post. It will officially be November.
I'll see you all next Sunday.
* Back at the beginning of the month, I was going to make a nice lovely post about NaNoWriMo, tips for first timers, my experiences, my ways of preparation this year....obviously, that didn't happen. And while I still could make that post, I'd much rather spend this last week working on my outline and making sure I'm prepared for this year. So you should go look on their website or at this post that Mariesa wrote if you're curious!