Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Thing Happening in November

Hello, lovelies and strangelings! Ikindofdisappearedagainoops. But, starting in November, I'm going to try and post once a week with updates on something awesome.
What is this something?
[dramatic pause]

NaNoWriMo! Otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month, a month where writers everywhere consume an insane amount of chocolate and caffeine and sit down to write 50 thousand words in a month. This year, I'm joining in the madness, and I am beyond excited. :D 

I'm plotting a '20s murder mystery in New York City. I have a ton of research to do, but I'm still looking forward to it. :D For anyone who'd like it, here's my pinterest board for the story.


1920s beaded chiffon dinner dress. This is perfect.

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