Sunday, November 9, 2014

NaNoWriMo Log: Day 9, Week 2

I found.
The best.
To describe.

Like. Wow. Wowwwwwwwwwwww. Such accuracy. 

While I'm thinking about it: Tomorrow, I won't be posting a log, because it's my birthday! :P And I might just do a massive post Saturday evening, because this week I'm probably not going to have much time. So. 
On to today's log, I suppose. :P 
Total word count: 19,821
Today's word count: 2354
Favorite line(s) written:  I swallow hard and force myself to take in the room without thinking of letters or Judah Anderson.
I shiver, wrapping my coat tighter around me. Why is it so cold in here?
For one ridiculous moment, I let myself remember the ghost stories Thomas tried to terrify me with when we were younger. Elliot had always made him leave me alone, and we made up our own stories. Usually ones where a nasty, simpering something named Thomas was defeated by heroes Elliot and Bethany.
But those stories had scared me nonetheless. And I got to a point years ago where I only rolled my 
eyes when he told them late at night, but I think right now, that part of me has ran away.

And for one moment, I let myself wonder if Miss Lawson is haunting this room.

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