Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Camp NaNo Update #1

    Today marks the start of week 2. I am at 12,571 words as I type this post. And I am exhausted.
     I remember being tired in November, but not like this. I don't know. Maybe it was like this and I blocked it from my memory.
     Tired or not, however, I am having so much fun with this draft. There are sooo many elements about this that I love. I've been doing a lot of research in the months since December, as well as plotting things and answering questions that should've been answered already. .-.
     I've been behind this week but I have finally caught up. Ohmygosh, I'm caught up. I've been about a thousand words behind my goal for each day, but last night I resolved I would not go to bed until I reached 12,000. AND I DID! :D
     Alright. I'm done rambling for now. :3

Today's word count: 2,009 (counting my words from 2:30 AM this morning :P. I will be writing more today. :33)
Total word count: 12,571
Favorite line(s) writtenYou had been in this city for two days, and you still didn’t know where you were. You thought of the address she sent you, together with her last letter and your ticket.
     “Can I help you?”
     The sound of the man’s voice startled you; you were as an animal in a menagerie, a sideshow in a circus act. And he was the child poking at you between the bars and taunting you. Daring you to react, to lash out. Knowing you wouldn’t. Couldn’t.
     “Yes,” you told him. “Please.”
     “What’s your name?” The stranger held out his hand, tucking a thick folder under his other arm.
     You swallowed, shook his proffered hand, and lied to his face. 

     Longish-excerpt because I forgot to do any updates this past week. :P I'll do better this week; I promise. *waves goodbye*